
Walk mystical

Trekking Association Falco naumanni, project leader "All the beans of the Pomegranate", proposes a "WALK MYSTIC" in collaboration with the Polyphonic Choir of Matera "Pierluigi da Palestrina" along a route a few miles up Timone, stage with rock in places of worship of our ancestors: San Falcione, San Vito to Murgia, Sant’Agnese, Our Lady of the Three Doors and - if there's time - Madonna delle Croci.
Start at 9:30 by Jazz Kitten, where they fall within the 13:30.
Departure 14:15 Kittens from Jazz and return by 18:00.

In addition to presenting aspects of historical and artistic, nature and landscape, the walk would like to invite participants to imagine the whole atmosphere of listening and devotion that once enveloped the places of faith.
Not recommended for those suffering from vertigo.
Suggested hiking shoes.
Max participants n.30.