
L’evoluzione del sistema urbano: porte e mura della città medievale

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Percorso delle porte

It is a path based on the discovery of traces of medieval Matera, doors and walls, presented in a fun way, interactive and engaging and divided into 2 parts:

1) Theoretical part teaching: The boys divided into work groups receive a teaching kit and a map of the path on which to locate the doors, the castelvecchio and the walls with the help of a 3D video that traces the historical and architectural context.

2) Experiential lab-location: each group rotating guides the whole class along a part of operator-assisted route. Lungo il percorso si svolgono delle tappe:
• Ricostruzione di ipotesi storiche e individuazione di tracce architettoniche nascoste;
• Approfondimenti su luoghi storici e toponimi tramite l’ausilio di foto e disegni storici;

Responsible: Stefania Persia
Tel: 328.0468453