
12ª Festa degli Aquiloni – 2014

  • Visitor Center Jazz Gattini 19 10 2014 - 09:00:00 | 18:00:00

    For all information on the 12th edition of the "Festa degli Aquiloni", Click on the poster, or visit the page

    N.B. For problems related to privacy and sensitive data of expectant mothers, LE DONNE INCINTE NON POTRANNO ACCEDERE ALL'AREA DI MURGIA TIMONE, as previously stated.

    I giornalisti iscritti all'albo, may require credit and pass, contattando l'organizzazione all'indirizzo e-mail aquiloni2014[chioc-cio-the]

    Restano validi i Consigli per una migliore gestione dei trasporti:

    • Evitare le ore di maggior affluenza per raggiungere il Parco (from Matera from 10:30 all 12:00; for Matera and 12:30 all 14:00), especially for those who have small children and is fitted with strollers. In return, the afternoon, avoid the last bus to Matera (of hours 18:00).

    • Avoid the Piazza Matteotti, preferring to Villa Longo and the New Cemetery, where will set up two mobile ticketing to reduce waits at ticket purchase on board.

    • For those coming from outside Matera or moves by car, is fortemente consigliabile utilizzare la fermata del Cimitero Nuovo, where, beyond the box office, sarà presente un ampio parcheggio gratuito.

    The festa è rimandata a domenica 19 October, If this day the weather is inclement, the feast will be reworked to be conducted anyway within the visitor centre of Jazzo Kittens.

    Is returning the expected appointment with the Kite Festival: opportunity to spend a day in the company in the Park of the Murgia Matera, immersed in Nature, away from the noise and smells of the city; and a way to promote clean fun experimenting with a variety of "unusual" recreational activities.

    For the occasion the area of Murgia Timone will be closed to motor traffic (except for tourist buses).
    You can reach the venue aboard buses departing from jump points of city of Matera.

    For all information on the 12th edition of the "Festa degli Aquiloni", Click on the poster, or visit the page