
Weekend in the Park

  • Visitor Center Jazz Gattini 22 01 2011 - 10:30:00 | 23 01 2011 15:00:00
    Da ottobre a marzo la passeggiata SENTIERO NATURA parte alle ore 10.30 every Saturday and Sunday (ed in tutti i ponti e periodi festivi) per scoprire in un’ora e un quarto di itinerario semplice ed accessibile a tutti, Murgia Timone, l’area panoramica del parco di fronte ai Sassi con le due chiese rupestri di San Falcione and Madonna of the three doors. Il ticket comprensivo anche degli ingressi nelle chiese e' di 10,00 euro per person (reduced ticket 6,00 euro for under 18 and free admission for under 6). The same walk is possible outside the scheduled times and days, but for a minimum number of 4 people.

    To complete the experience by visiting, on Sundays and public holidays without reservation (While on other days by prior reservation) il Cea offre la possibilita’ di degustare alcune specialità e prodotti tipici rigorosamente a chilometro zero in quanto forniti direttamente dalle vicine aziende agricole e zootecniche della collina materana (from menu 10-15-20-25 Eggplant-based euro, Peppers, Grilled Zucchini, Sun-dried tomatoes, our sausage, Doggy, Caciocavallo podolico, cialledda, materane chickling etc..).
    On reservation also ricotta.

    For minimum 3 persone ed in qualsiasi giorno e’ inoltre prenotabile il SENTIERO DEI PASTORI, a thrilling hiking route of 2:0 and 15 minutes, that leads into one of the most spectacular sections of the canyon of Gravina in front of Sassi di Matera. We will visit the three Rock-Hewn Churches of San Falcione , Sant’Agnese and Madonna of the three doors, some pastoral caves and several cisterns for collecting rainwater.It's a great chance to appreciate the natural values, archaeological and historical landscape of the area and to also include the urban structure of the Sassi di Matera Unesco together with the Park of the Murgia Matera.

    Recommended: comfortable shoes with rubber soles, socks, bonnet, kway, canteen, camera

    Discover the details and all routes in our catalog

    Infoline: 0835.332262 or 320.2636528