
The Parcomurgiafilm awarded to FoF 2012

As part of the "Festival of Festivals", which was held in Matera from 18 to the 20 October 2012, Murgia Park Film were recognized two important special prizes:
il Special Heroes 2012 in collaboration with Calia Trade spa, azienda che si è distinta particolarmente nel sostegno e promozione di eventi culturali come il parco murgia film e il Territory Improvement Award to the role that the film review, having a good interaction with the territory, place in the cultural heritage.
Posted under Murgia Park Festival, the Murgia Park Movie organized at the Jazzo Kittens from CEAS Matera conducted by Xavier Tarasco, considerable effort, passion and competence, embodies a cultural event where cinema, music and wine tastings are offered under the stars, under the banner of freedom and naturalness in places of extraordinary beauty.
The weekly cinema under the sky of the Murgia Matera, It is now considered by citizens Matera, the guests of our city and the inhabitants of neighbouring countries, a unique and indispensable moment where the strong connection between art and landscape.
The Park of the Murgia Matera, He expressed great satisfaction with pride for the well-deserved certificates that the film festival has received. It is natural that represent the awards recognition of the great work, done with great professionalism by CEAS Matera, in the work of protection and enhancement of our territory and of inestimable cultural and artistic heritage of our sites.