
NaturArte dal 14 to the 20 October


Wednesday 14 OCTOBER – Matera
Naturarte Writing
hours 10 – 13 Park of the Murgia Matera
Sensory writing workshop and sensory and expressive reading leads Silvana Kühtz – Park Guide: Angelo Lospinuso
A course for those who want to measure with reading aloud, the right place to experiment with your own voice with the microphone use. For those who want to travel and to travelling through his own voice and the words of written text. For those who would like to, but dare not.
There are three sessions, which will then also be participants involved in a concert of the evening, Word. The ’ idea is to be immediately put to the test with the public and miscellaneous, those of improvisation and study. For attentive readers. Bring a beloved text by a great poet. Poetry in action is a project of promotion and dissemination of shared reading, over the years we have often wondered: Why read aloud? And especially the poetry out loud because?

hours 19,00 – Matera Convicinio di Sant'Antonio (Rione Casalnuovo)
5 stages within the Convicinio of San Antonio where the cello Suites by j.s.. Bach will alternate readings and sensory games.
Antonio Di Marzio cello, park hiking guide
Sensory games and readings by Silvana Kühtz and Susanna Crociani sax

Ore 21. Matera. Quarry House
Pilar in concert
Pilar, vocals – Federico Ferrandina, guitars – Andrea Colella, contrabass

Thursday 15 OCTOBER – Montescaglioso
Naturarte Power
hours 10 – 13 – TREKKING-botanist: spices and fragrant herbs
With Nicola Montemurro and Angelo George Larracochea, Jr (Parco della Murgia guides)

Ore 18 departure from Matera to Montescaglioso from Piazza Matteotti. Free bus

Ore 19,00 – Montescaglioso. Benedictine Abbey Of San Michele Arcangelo
The Cibosofia by Federico Valicenti

Ore 20,30 – Benedictine Abbey Chapter House St. Michael the Archangel
TABULAèDOT (tasting of theatrical origin)

Ore 21.30 – Benedictine Abbey Cloister St. Michael The Archangel
Brijesh Pandey "Bad Singing Jazz"
Brijesh Pandey, voice, starred – Daniele Scannapieco, Alto saxophones – Aldo Vigorito, contrabass – Guido Di Leone, Guitar – John Sadec, battery

Ore 23 departure by Bus to Matera Montescaglioso
Bus Reservations 0835/336166 int. 4

Naturarte Recycling
Ore 10 – 13 – Hiking emergencies
A cura dell'associazione Falco Naumanni. Park Guide David Caras.
Eleanor White Park Guide
"ZANG TUMB TUMB –-: We laugh at paper music, cartone, wooden boxes, plastic, fabrics, tin cans, "waste
The laboratory will be realized by Luca Gherardi, Master luthier, and the musician and composer creative percussionist Mario Ventrelli.
In a ’ perspective of upcycling aimed at valorization of waste materials, the first part involves the restoration laboratory, all ’ inside of illegal landfills are located in the Park, of raw material that will be transformed for the construction of different and customized musical instruments. In the afternoon there will be a lecture on timbre and expressive potential of recovered materials, followed by the construction of several instruments in collaboration with interns.
Objectives: educate to reusing materials and raise awareness of recycling. Experiment with new experiences through music, s’ art, the story, fantasy. Give strength and reason to separate waste collection. Strengthen the awareness that the environment we live in is an asset to protect and enhance. Raising awareness of the "other" music. Experience in custom instruments concert.
Ore 19,30 – Matera. Former Hospital S. Rocco, Piazza San Giovanni
In case of bad weather the activities will take place within the Church of Christ Scourged (Ex Ospedale San Rocco)
Performance with Mario Ventrelli Recyclable and Luke Gallant and pupils of the classes involved in the laboratory

Ore 21,00 – Matera. Former Hospital S. Rocco, Piazza San Giovanni
In case of bad weather the activities will take place within the Church of Christ Scourged (Ex Ospedale San Rocco)
Ceilitaly, music and dance of Scotland

Naturarte Frescoes
Appointment to Piazza Matteotti. Ore 15 (arriving by car)
With Anna

ORE 20,00 – Matera, Quarry House
Attilio Zanchi & Max De Aloe Duo and the black and white of old Matera
Attilio Zanchi, Bass – Max de Aloe, harmonica
The Sassi and the Park, b & w images
archival of Nino Vinciguerra

Ore 22,00 – Matera, Quarry House
Predators of the three doors
The mystery of the stolen frescoes
Dramaturgy by Constantine Datta
Directed by Massimo Lanzetta
Motif created by Francis Feliciano XI
Illustrations of Pino Oliva
Photos and pictures of Joseph Lartey
Original music and folk performed live: Rino Locantore
From an idea by Echevarria and Pier Francesco Palomino

The Rock-Hewn Churches of Murgia materana Park frescoes of religious nature that since Thousands were witness to the faith of the people materano. Some of these paintings parietarie, among the 1961 and the 1962, were stolen from a German Professor and his two assistants. Soon identified by Interpol, the professor was tried and convicted for the theft of those frescoes, for years, you believed recovered.
Francis Feliciano XI found that, Instead, several of the paintings have not yet returned in Matera and Dr. Sernetz, After two years of long and tenacious investigation between Italy and Germany, In the 2012 failed to retrieve another, returning it to the city of Matera.
Raiders of the three doors "is the story of the theft of more than 50 years ago and the recent recovery of the Roman Head from Feliciano XI.
Il racconto ripercorre quegli avvenimenti in forma di giallo investigativo e sottolinea con il testo, le illustrazioni, photos and music suggestions, the beauty of the places where the events took place. On the subject of Feliciano XI, the text of Datta, Although rooted in the documents of the time, the affair has so romanticized: a light thriller.
The protagonists, tutti interpretati dall’attore Massimo Lanzetta, move the splendid scenery of the Park of the Murgia and the streets of the city of Matera and the story, from 1962, moves to the present day. The change of Epoch is represented with the use of different narrative forms and technologies: the narrator of the actor – supported by illustrations of Pino Oliva and Rino Locantore music – you switch to video representation curated by Larkman and Feliciano XI. The Viewer is a popular session in an original narrative format.

Sunday 18 OCTOBER – Matera
Naturarte Family
Family hiking
Ore 9,30 – Appuntamento Centro Visite Mario Tommaselli. Murgia Timone
Passeggiata nel Bosco del Comune
Ore 13,00 – Breakfast a lot in Park meadow
Ore 15,30 -Matera, Belvedere of Murgia Timone
In caso di pioggia il concerto si effettuerà nell’ ex ospedale di San Rocco chiesa del Cristo Flagellato, Matera beginning at 20.30
Doctor 3
Danilo Rea, floor
Enzo Pietropaoli, contrabass
Fabrizio Sferra, battery

Lunedì 19 OCTOBER – Matera
Naturarte Photography
Produzione Originale
The Murgia: tradition, una storia da raccontare
Ricerca di forme artistiche e economiche sul territorio
Un’indagine attraverso l’uso del linguaggio della fotografia e del video. Workshops with school led by second-degree Pino Ninfa.
After the initiative last year that saw the student survey aimed at Sassi di Matera along with aspects of the Park of the Murgia Matera, This year he wants to be a deepening of the work of the past year, con il tentativo di sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica partendo proprio dalla scuola verso la tradizione presente nell’area del Parco.
La città di Matera e i suoi dintorni si prestano molto bene per costruire un’indagine che riesca a creare un ponte fra passato e presente. Per fare questo si partirà dallo studio di artigiani della carta pesta, ceramics and other lively characters of culture of Matera, who will work with students, si passerà poi ad incontrare altri artisti dal ricamo alla scultura che verranno concordati con le scuole. Along with these issues the survey will be given to bastions of tradition of Matera as bread and pasta, in their various facets in addition to productive activities to identify.
Il tutto darà vita come lo scorso anno a una produzione di materiale fotografico.

Ore 20,30 – Matera. Former Hospital S. Rocco, Piazza San Giovanni
In case of bad weather the activities will take place within the Church of Christ Scourged (Ex Ospedale san Rocco)
“Il tempo in posa” Luoghi e Tradizioni dell’area Mediterranea
Duo Mayes/Orlandi
Biagio Orlandi sassofoni – Martin Mayes Alphorn and shells. Pine Nymph Pictures

Tuesday 20 OCTOBER – Matera
Naturarte Reading
Park of the Murgia Matera. hours 10 – 13
Literary Trek. Travel pages. Itinerant readings and emotions with treasure hunt
The theme of the day will be the TRIP that will be available through nature discovery (the Trek), literature and poetry. Participating students will follow a route along which, segnalati da bandierine colorate, troveranno indizi con frasi tratte da libri celebri (una frase per ogni istituto). During the same path, readers of “Cittàchelegge” read excerpts from books on the theme of travel.
The ’ route will grow from 10 all 13. In the afternoon, the boys will travel in the Church of S. Maria de Armenis dove troveranno l’ultima parte della frase tratta da un romanzo e, a questo punto, can you guess the title of the book.
On the same occasion will read an excerpt from a book chosen by “Cittàchelegge” dialogando con il mezzosoprano Gianna Racamato.
In collaborazione con Cittàchelegge – Materapoesia1995Guida del Parco: Raffaele Lamacchia

Ore 19,30 – Matera. Convicinio of Sant Antonio ’ (Rione Casalnuovo)
In caso di pioggia Santa Maria de Armenis adiacente Palazzo Lanfranchi
Viaggio musicale fra canzoni d’autore
Gianna Racamato, and the mezzo-soprano “Pianocromatico”: Camillo Maffia, Pasqualino Malle and D ’ Gabriele Angella, accordions
Is a project that marries well with the style and sophistication that make artistic choices of NATURARTE is for the sounds (connubio originale tra la voce del mezzosoprano e le fisarmoniche) che per le scelte interpretative.
The songs that make up this imaginary and evocative musical journey range from large De André to the romantic Tosti through the passionate music of Piazzolla.
In collaboration with the Association ’ Artery

Ore 21,00 – Matera. Convicinio letters (Rione Casalnuovo)
In caso di pioggia Santa Maria de Armenis adiacente Palazzo Lanfranchi
Lincoln Almada – Latin American harp – viaggio attraverso i ritmi e le culture.
NaturArte Basilicata nel Parco della Murgia Materana in collaborazione con: Wildlife Education Center Mario Tommaselli Matera – Environmental education centre of Montescaglioso – Istituto di Istruzione Superiore I. Morra, Matera – Liceo Scientifico D. Alighieri, Matera – Liceo Classico E. Duni, Matera (IIIB e VA) – Istituto Professionale dei Servizi per l’Enogastronomia e l’Ospitalità Alberghiera A. Turi, Matera (IVA enogastronomia) – Istituto Tecnico Agrario Statale G. Briganti, Matera (VAT) – Art School C. Levi, Matera, (IIIA and IIIB Arts and scene addresses) – Cittàchelegge – Materapoesia1995 – Poetry In Action – Association Falco Naumanni – archival Nino Vinciguerra

La partecipazione a tutti gli eventi è gratuita fino ad esaurimento posti
Le escursioni dei giorni compresi tra il 12 and the 16 October is intended for high school students
Recommended equipment: Backpack, canteen, colazione, bonnet, hiking shoes
Day excursions 17 and 18 October is open to all who wish to register by Friday 16 may call 0835/336166 int. 4. (Automuniti)
Day trekking 18 breakfast provides a lot. Alternatively you can book lunch at Matera Cea call 0835/332262.

Prenotazioni delle escursioni
Ente Parco Murgia Matera 0835/336166 int. 4 (orari ufficio)
Per prenotazioni fuori orario di ufficio 327/7333016
Cea Montescaglioso 0835/201016 – 329/3103095 –
Partecipazione agli Spettacoli
I partecipanti al Trekking hanno diritto ad assistere agli spettacoli in Casa Cava.
Access to all shows at home and in the Quarry of Montescaglioso Abbey are free of charge, subject to availability..
Booking is not allowed to watch the shows.
Bus to Montescaglioso
Thursday 15 OCTOBER
Ore 18 departure from Matera to Montescaglioso from Piazza Matteotti. Free bus
Ore 23 partenza pullman da Montescaglioso per Matera
Maximum number of participants 52
Day trekking 18 October – Naturarte Family:
Melfi and Potenza Matera
L’Ente Parco della Murgia Materana mette gratuitamente a disposizione n. 1 autobus, con partenza dalla città di Melfi con tappa a Potenza per raggiungere il Centro Visite Mario Tommaselli dove si potrà partecipare alla passeggiata nel Bosco del Comune e assistere al concerto del Doctor 3.
Read the full program of NaturArte: