

Clean Fun, Clean Energy in a project of social cohesion

For some time we see a particular phenomenon, the scope of entertainment has gradually moved closer to the size of the risk, soprattutto per gli adolescenti. E’ un fenomeno nuovo con il quale non abbiamo ancora imparato a confrontarci.
The entertainment has always been a meeting, growth, knowledge of self and other. He always had two cornerstones: being together and use their resources (creativeness, fantasy, want to have fun).
Today entertainment is increasingly being alone (video games and digital technologies) and is linked to an increasing use of external resources to self (the so-called "recreational drugs").
Many realities of our territory (Counseling Center, Environmental Education Center, Association Falco naumanni ", Scout Groups, Museum of Farming, Friends of The Park, Yellow Beak, Polifonica materana “Pierluigi da Palestrina” ecc.) hanno deciso di mettersi in rete per sostenere la diffusione di modelli di “divertimento pulito”.

Project Objectives
Making prevention in the general population;
Create a social safety net with public, private, associations;
Supporting healthy lifestyles;
Work on protective factors with measures of an educational nature (collaboration with families, experiential path, opportunity to test, acquisition of trust, testing of healthy, controlled risk).

Sunday 30 May 2010: “Lotta, glory and survival on the Murgia Matera "
role play for students of the three middle schools in Matera at the Center for Environmental Education. The Normans, Castaldo in the joints of the Murgia 1042, contend with the Lombards resource management Murgia. Monks, Wizards, Witches and the Knights will compete in races Climbing , slackline, path Hebert, orienteering, Capoeira and many other.
Sunday 3 October: "Kite Festival" Now in its seventh edition is the feast of clean fun in nature: three-dimensional kites, mountain bike, hiking along the stream, laboratori, horses
Saturday 16 October: la "Festa del vicinato", near the Museum of Farming in the Sassi di Matera, takes place the rediscovery of local traditions with the laboratories (cup cup, home-made pasta, papier-mache, wood) giochi antichi e canti dei nonni.lli
Giovedi 3 February: Il Succo presentazione dei risultati finali del progetto
Two meetings with families
By the Counseling Center
30 May: L’adolescenza, changes, the relationship between parents / children ";
3 October:"Dialogue, construction and difficulties ".

Laboratory Theatre
Travel in accordance